Siberian cat - SIB

This is a preliminary standard. 
Final version is to be approved by the Standard Commission, and will soon be published.


The Siberian, originating from Russian aboriginal semilonghair cats, was bred after the Second World War in Russia to match the image of a strong big cat able to withstand the harsh climate of Siberia. 






Top of head 

The head is big, in the shape of a short broad trapezium with soft contours. Top of head is flat. 


Muzzle and chin 

The cheekbone arches are broad and low set. The cheeks are not plump.
The muzzle is full, broad at base and rounded in contours. The nose is equally broad from the nose bridge to the nose leather. 



The line of the profile is formed by a flat forehead, a gentle rise at eyebrow level and a smooth concave curve in transition to the straight nose. The broad chin is rounded viewed both in front and in profile. 


The eyes are oval, medium to large, the lower lid is slightly more rounded. They are set at a slight slant and wide apart. The distance in between eyes is more than one eye’s width apart. 
All shades of colour from yellow/golden to green are acceptable. In bicolour and other patterns with white also blue or odd eyes are permitted. In pointed patterns the eye colour is blue, the darker the better. 



The ears are of medium size, broad at the base with slightly rounded tips. They are  set wide apart and slightly tilted forward. 





Size and boning 

The cat is medium to large sized. Well-developed musculature and heavy boning. Males are considerably bigger than females.  


Rectangular format. Broad chest, straight back, equally broad shoulders and hips. 


The neck is short and solid. 

Legs and paws 

Legs are of medium length and very strong in boning. The paws are large, compact and round with toe tufts. 


The tail reaches to the shoulder blade, it is broad at base, slightly tapering to a blunt tip and bushy.  






The coat is of medium length. Ruff, frill, knickerbockers and ear tufts are desirable and can vary in length. 


The very dense undercoat is fine, resilient to touch under a coarser, firm top coat. The dense, loosely falling top coat is water repellent, substantial, consisting of long strong guard hairs. It covers the back, the flanks and top of the tail completely. The under parts of the body and the back of the hind legs have only undercoat. The winter coat is particularly long on the neck, the chest, the trousers and the tail. Summer coat can be significantly shorter, but the top coat is always present. 



The colours not belonging to the original gene pool (chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, fawn, caramel, sepia and mink colours as well as their combinations with white) are not recognized. All other colours and patterns including the pointed pattern are recognized. Any amount of white is permitted.  







Special breed faults 

Narrow and/or high  cheek bones
Straight profile.
Round forehead. 
Deep profile curve.
Narrow long muzzle.
Small short muzzle.
Soft and silky top coat and/or overdeveloped undercoat. 
Light boning. 
Small size of adult cat. 
Short square format or a disproportionately long body. 


Without certificates 

A combination of three or more special faults in the head. 
Very soft and fine guard hair in adults.
Small size with light boning and oval paws. 



Extreme likeness to Longhair breeds 



The Colourpoint variety of the Siberian cat can be called informally Neva Masquerade, but the WEMS code SIB cannot be changed. 



Cross-breeding with any other breed is not permitted.