Part 2 - Shows

2.1. Show: A WOC-sanctioned show (often referred to as Show), licensed by the WOC Show Commission and obliged to follow the WOC Show Regulations. Show (or Show) may receive a Show Status (be it National SP, National, International, Winner and World).  

2.1.1. WOC Show Commission reviews applications sent via WOC-Office web-portal at least 60 days prior to corresponding show (be it Online, National, National SP or International).  

  2.1.2. Winner and World Shows are to be licensed by the Show Commission and approved by the board. Special Permission obtained from WOC Show Commission is required to apply for such shows. WOC Show Commission reviews applications sent via WOC-Office web-portal at least 180 days prior to corresponding show. Late applications will be charged according to the Late Request List. The payment of €30 can be held by the system and is not refundable. 

2.1.3. A minimum of 49 animals must pass the judging process to qualify for the WOC show (any status).

2.2. On-Line show: A WOC sanctioned show, licensed by the WOC Show Commission and held by one or multiple clubs with at least one judge working with each hosting club. Invited judges are to first examine their club's present cats in person, while consulting with other present judges. At least one All Breed Judge is to be present in-person from every hosting club. 

2.3. National (SP) show: A WOC sanctioned show, licensed by the WOC Show Commission, with one or more judges invited. Judges may award titles of up to CACIB and CAPIB. At least one  All Breed Approved Judge is to be present at the show. 

2.4. National show: A WOC Sanctioned show, licensed by the WOC Show Commission, with one or more judges invited. Judges may award titles of up to CAGCIB and CAGPIB. At least  two All Breed judges or one All Breed Approved judge and two Special judges (two different groups) are to be licensed by WOC and working on the show.   

2.5. International show:  A WOC sanctioned show, licensed by the WOC Show Commission. Any WOC title may be granted. At least two All Breed judges, one from a different country/continent are to be licensed and working on the show.

2.6. Winner show: A WOC sanctioned show, licensed by the WOC Show Commission. Any WOC title may be granted. At least 3 All Breed judges, among them 1 from WOC Board and 1 from different country/continent are to be licensed and working on the show. This show can be held once a year, per region.

2.7. World show: A WOC sanctioned show, licensed by the WOC Show Commission. It must have at least 50% All Breed Approved judges from the country of show origin, 50% All Breed Approved judges from three different countries and/or one judge from the Board. This show can be held once a year worldwide.