Part 25 - Judges' service pay during the show
The professional services of judges are evaluated according to their status:
AB approved - €115 per show day
AB - €90 per show day
SP approved - €65 per show day
SP - €40 per show day
and are to be compensated before the Best In Show on day one, or before the Best In Show on the second day at the latest.
The number of cats to be judged traditionally is limited at 50 cats per judge per day, number of cats to be managed at WOC Rings, Special Shows and others should add up to no more than 150 extra cats per judge per day, with additional cats requiring judge’s agreement.
Compensation amounts to:
AB approved - €2,3 per cat
AB - €1.8 per cat
SP approved - €1.3 per cat
SP - €0.8 per cat
Still, at WOC we discourage clubs from presenting judges with too many cats so that the BIS may be held on time.