Exotic Shorthair - EXO

This is a preliminary standard.
Final version is to be approved by the Standard Commission, and will soon be published.


The Exotic Shorthair is a heavy well-balanced cat, producing a refined impression with its short and plush coat, unique face and big expressive round eyes. 






Top of head 

Round and massive, with great breadth of skull, well balanced. Underlying skull bone structure is round to the touch. Top of head is smooth domed. 

Muzzle and chin 

Cheeks are full and prominent, fitting into the rounded contours of the head. Jaws are broad and powerful. Muzzle is short, broad and rounded, smoothing nicely into the cheeks. Chin is full, well-developed, and firmly rounded, reflecting a proper bite. 




Short and broad nose of even width, almost as broad as long. The definite "break" (stop) is centered between the eyes. The nose leather is fully formed with the width, equal to the width of the nose. The upper edge of the nose leather is between mid-eye level and the level of the lower eyelid. Nostrils are large and open, allowing easy breathing. A smooth domed forehead continuing from the level of the stop over a rounded top of head to a well rounded back of skull. In profile, the forehead, nose and chin should form a vertical line. 



Large, round and full. Set level and very wide apart, giving a sweet expression to the face. Brilliant in colour, deep and bright colour is preferable. The eye color has equal importance to size and shape of the eyes.  



Small and round tipped, tilted forward, and not unduly open at the base. 

Set wide apart and low on the head, fitting into the rounded head contour. Full ear furnishings. 





Size and boning 

Large to medium in size, heavier than its appearance indicates. Females may be proportionately smaller. Very heavy and sturdy in boning. Quality is the determining consideration rather than size. 


Cobby and firm, with well-rounded mid-section, equally massive across the shoulders and rump. Low on the legs, broad and deep through the chest, with the short and level back. Good muscle tone. 


Short and thick, providing adequate support for the massive head. Allowance for neck development in the male should be made up to three years of age. 

Legs and paws 

Legs are short, thick and heavily boned, forelegs straight. Paws are large round and firm. Toes carried close. Tufts between the toes are desired. 


The tail should be short but in proportion to the body length, carried at an angle lower than the back and ending in a rounded tip. 






Longer than other Shorthair. Acceptable length depends on proper undercoat. 


Dense, plush, soft and full of life. Standing out from the body due to a rich, thick undercoat 


For accepted colour varieties refer to the table below. In solid colours the subtle lightening due to thermal effect is allowed at the roots, on the stomach and undersides of the legs and tail. 



See General part 





Special breed faults 

Long or narrow head. 
Flat forehead.
Indentation or bump in forehead in adults.
Reduced nose leather.
Small and narrow nostrils.
Narrow or too prominent muzzle.
Eyes: small, or deep set, or protruding, or close set.
Large ears
High set of ears
Fine boning.
Light boned and long legs.
Too long tail. 


Without certificates 

A profile without stop.
Long Roman nose.
The nose level is higher than mid-eye level.
Severe overshot or undershot jaw
Unevenly sized eyes. 
Incorrect eye color, green rims in adults except silver and golden. 



Obviously asymmetrical head: crooked or off-center nose, twisted mouth.
Mosaic eye colour.
White expressed only in the form of a locket and/or belly spots and/or toes. 



Any skull deformities are to be penalized according to the list of general faults. Moderation to be applied in kittens during skull development.
While a level bite is preferred, overbite up to 2 mm is allowed. 




* Longhair kittens must be registered as PER
* Shorthair kittens must be registered as EXO