Persian (PER)


Head 30
Body 20
Eyes in color and shape 15 - (Color 10 - shape 5 )
Ears in shape and set 15 - (shape 10 - set 5 )
Coat in color- patterns and length 20 - (Color and Patterns 15 - Length 5 ) 

The Persian Cat has been selected by man for a long time and has been modified to the point of becoming a very refined cat , well balanced and compact body.
Head very structured  comes out with totally round lines,  the round eyes give at this cat a very sweet expression.
When this cat is in total rest, its appearance must be like a beautiful and thick fur cushion.


very compact, strong and very muscular, the shape of the body seen from the side must be like a slightly elongated square. The shoulders are very wide and massive and the same size must go all the way to the back of the body, so it must not be light and weak in the part of the belly and not be obese.
The chest must be very wide, legs with very well developed bone structure and the muscles very firm to the touch, the feet very wide and round the fingers well closed together, give the impression of full firmness when the cat is in feet on the floor.


very round with a very short neck so as to seem absent and the head attached to the body without it, the lines of the head are totally round without any depression at the maxillary level and with the cheeks and facial muscles very well developed, placing the fingers around the skull the head must appear completely round.
The nose must be in the center of the circle of the head, very short and with very open nostrils to allow good breathing, a strong depression called stop above the nose which will highlight the full roundness of the forehead.
The chin and jaw are very developed and full with very round lines, the chin aligns perfectly vertically with the nose and forehead, the mouth must close perfectly to allow the cat to eat while chewing.


very round, large, open and prominent, they must appear very evident, distant from each other and the medial angle and the lateral angle of the eye must not be distinguished in order to have the impression of the eye completely round, giving the sweet expression typical of this breed, by pulling a horizontal line in the center of the eyes, this line must rest on the upper part of the nose and this should be the correct position of the eyes.
The color that varies for many divisions, must be bright and uniform like those of an owl.


very small with a wide base with the two ends of the ear placed on the same line and the very rounded tip, placed very distant from each other, must be little visible on the head and placed laterally.


medium short must be proportionate to the length of the body and not exceed the distance between the base of the tail and the shoulders, the base must be very wide and the tip rounded without defects in knots or substantial enlargements of the vertebrae.


very long and smooth it must come out from the thick body with a fine and shiny texture, full of life and not dull and old hair, the thick and very sagging ruff without felting or knots and the hair must continue with the same length up to the back of the body, between the toes comes out a good amount of hair and the tail must be full and thick like a duvet.


Head with depression or protuberances on the skull, not asymmetrical face with crooked nose or very closed so as to prevent proper breathing, prognatism.
Cross-eyed or dull eyes for reasons of illness.
Sternum pronounced or with pronounced depression.
Feet with higher numbers of fingers, They must be (5 front and 4 rear for each paw).
Deformed spine and tail nodes with problems.
Very light bone structure, body and legs.


Outcross to EXO 
* Longhair kittens must be registered as PER
* Shorthair kittens must be registered as EXO


Solid colors

These cats are not Agouti (a) the general impression is of a completely uniform cat in color without any appearance of design, only puppies can have a hinted tone-on-tone design that will disappear over time.


Deep black fur color from the base to the tip of the hair, without a lightening shade of the color at the base, the skin of the nose is black, the skin of the fingertips is black or dark brown and the eyes must be copper or intense orange


Totally pure white without shades of yellow in the undercoat or around the eyes, mouth and paws the skin of the nose, the fingertips are in pink color.
Blue eyes of intense deep blue completely uniform in color.
Orange eyes of orange or intense copper.
Odd yes, one copper or brillante orange, other blu uniform


Light gray color is preferable to dark gray color, the hair must be uniform in color from the base to the tip, a slight shade of blue slightly more intense is possible on the part of the short hair, around the head or on the legs.
The nose and fingertips are blue, and the eyes are copper or intense orange.


Deep and bright red color without shades or tabby design, slight streaks on the head are allowed but the rest of the body must be as uniform, especially under the chin and around the lips.
The skin of the nose of the lips and fingertips are brick red and the eyes are copper or intense orange.


Cream color if light is preferable without shades or tabby design, slight streaks are allowed on the head but the rest of the body must be as uniform as possible in color, especially under the chin and around the lips.
The skin on the nose of the lips and fingertips are pink and the eyes are copper or intense orange.


Brown or milk chocolate color, uniform from the base to the tips the color of the nose is brown and the fingertips vary from brown to cinnamon the eyes are copper or  intense orange.


Very light warm gray color with lavender tinge and pink reflections, completely uniform from base to tips. the color of the lavender nose, fingertips are pink , the color of the eyes copper or intense orange.


Black color with red spots distributed throughout the body also at the ends.
The skin of the nose and the fingertips are black, brick red or black and brick red.
The eyes are bright copper in color.

Cream blue

Blue color with cream spots distributed throughout the body also at the ends.
The skin of the nose and the fingertips are blue, pink or blue and pink.
The eyes are bright copper in color.

Chocolate tortie

Chocolate color with red spots distributed throughout the body also at the ends.
The nose skin and fingertips are cinnamon, brick red or cinnamon and brick red.
The eyes are bright copper in color.

Lilac Tortie

Lilac color with cream spots distributed throughout the body also at the ends.
The skin of the nose and the fingertips are lilac, pink or lilac and pink.
The eyes are bright copper in color.


These are Agouti cats (A) that in the genotype determine the coloring of the hair by bands through a pigment synthesis system called (on-off) therefore dark colored bands during the phase (on) alternate with light bands during the phase (off ):
In addition to gene A there is an inhibitor gene (I) in these cats that manages the development of the pigment of the hair giving it pure white coloring.
The most recent theory suggests that Widebanding polygenes (Wb), combined with the genes listed above, have the ability to regulate the amplitude of the discoloration of the base of the hair.
So the hair of the chinchilla is completely white and only a minimal part (1/8) of the hair length is colored.
The hair of the shaded is white with alternating colored segments up to 1/3 of the length of the hair.


In Golden cats we have the gene A and the polygenes Wb but the gene I is absent


base of the totally pure white color on the whole body, only on the shoulders, on the back and on the tail the tips of the hair are colored black and the impression is to see a white cat with silver reflections.
The eyes which are emerald green or blue-green are bordered with a continuous black thin line, as are the lips and the skin of the nose which is basically brick red in color.
The fingertips are black.
Yellow, orange and blue eye colors are disqualified


Base of the color completely pure white on the whole body, only on the shoulders on the sides, on the back and on the tail the quantity of the black colored tips are greater than the color chinchilla, while on the face and on the chin the short hair has the tips slightly colored black , the general effect is a slightly darker cat than the chinchilla.
The back of the hind legs are slightly shaded dark towards the top and the fingertips are black.
The eyes, the nose, the lips are definitely bordered in black, the eyes must be emerald green or blue green while the base of the nose is brick red.
Yellow, orange and blue eye colors are disqualified

Blue Chinchilla

base of the color totally pure white on the whole body, only on the shoulders, on the back and on the tail the tips of the hair are colored blue and the impression is to see a white cat with silver reflections.
The eyes that are emerald green or blue-green are bordered with a continuous blue thin line, as are the lips and the skin of the nose which is basically pink.
The fingertips are pink.
Yellow, orange and blue eye colors are disqualified

Blue Shaded

Base of the color completely pure white on the whole body, only on the shoulders on the sides, on the back and on the tail the quantity of the blue colored tips are greater than the chinchilla color, while on the face and on the chin the short hair has the tips slightly colored blue , the general effect is a slightly darker cat than the blue chinchilla.
The back of the hind legs are slightly shaded dark towards the top and the fingertips are blue or pink.
The eyes, the nose, the lips are definitely bordered in blue, the eyes must be emerald green or blue green while the base of the nose is brick red.
Yellow, orange and blue eye colors are disqualified

Golden chinchilla

Apricot or honey-colored base on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides, the tip of the hair is slightly colored black, while the tip of the tail is slightly blurred as well as the short hairs on the legs.
The chin, the internal tufts of the ears and the stomach have a paler color than the base of the hair and the general impression of the cat is warm and golden, the eyes, the lips and the nose are surrounded with a light black line, while the nose skin is pink and black fingertips.
The eyes are emerald green or blue green and all other eye colors are disqualified.

Golden Shaded

Apricot or honey colored base on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and on the sides, the tip of the hair is decidedly colored black, as the tips of the hairs on the tail and the short hairs on the legs are much more colorful, the back part of the legs hindquarters are decidedly black.
The chin, the inner tufts of the ears and the stomach have a paler color than the base of the body hair and the general impression of the cat is warm and golden but darker than the chinchilla, the eyes, the lips and the nose are surrounded with a strong black line, while the skin of the nose is pink and the fingertips are black.
The eyes are emerald green or blue green and all other eye colors are disqualified.

Blue Chinchilla

Ivory or pale honey base on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides, the tip of the hair is slightly colored blue, while the tip of the tail is slightly blurred as well as the short hairs on the legs.
The chin, the inner tufts of the ears and the stomach have a paler color than the base of the hair and the general impression of the cat is slightly warm with light blue shades, the eyes, lips and nose are surrounded with a light blue line , while the skin of the nose and the skin of the fingertips are pink.
The eyes are emerald green or blue green and all other eye colors are disqualified.

Shaded Blue

Ivory or pale honey base on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and on the sides, the tip of the hair is decidedly colored blue, as the tips of the hairs on the tail and the short hairs on the legs are much more colorful. hind legs are decidedly tinged with blue.
The chin, the inner tufts of the ears and the stomach have a paler color than the base of the body hair and the general impression of the cat is slightly warm with decisive shades of blue, but darker than the blue chinchilla, eyes and lips and the nose are surrounded with a strong blue line, while the skin of the nose is pink and the fingertips are blue or pink.
The eyes are emerald green or blue green and all other eye colors are disqualified.

Smoke and shaded

Shell cameo or red chinchilla

Base of the hair white on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides, the tip of the hair is slightly colored red, while the tip of the tail is slightly blurred as well as the short hairs on the legs.
The chin, the inner tufts of the ears and the stomach are white and the general impression of the cat is white with a hinted red tint, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and fingertips are pink.
The eyes are copper.

Shaded cameo or red shaded

Base of the hair white on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides, the tip of the hair is definitely colored red, as the tips of the hairs on the tail and the short hairs on the legs are much more colorful, the back part of the hind legs are gradient red.
The chin, the inner tufts of the ears and the stomach are white and the general impression is a white cat with strong shades of red, but darker than the red chinchilla,, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and fingertips are of Pink color.
The eyes are copper.

Shell Cream

Base of the hair white on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides the tip of the hair is slightly cream colored, while the tip of the tail is slightly blurred as well as the short hairs on the legs.
The chin, the inner tufts of the ears and the stomach are white and the general impression of the cat is white with a hint of biscuit cream nuance, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and fingertips are pink.
The eyes are copper.

Shaded Cream

Base of the hair white on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides, the tip of the hair is decidedly colored of cream, as the tips of the hairs on the tail and the short hairs on the legs are much more colored, the back part of the rear legs are add cream.
The chin, the internal tufts of the ears and the stomach are white and the general impression is a white cat with strong shades of cream, but darker than the cream chinchilla, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and fingertips are colored pink.
The eyes are copper

Chinchilla Tortie

Base of the hair white on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides the tip of the hair is slightly colored black and red, while the tip of the tail is slightly blurred as well as the short hairs on the legs of black and red.
The chin, the inner tufts of the ears and the stomach are white and the general impression of the cat is white with a hinted black and red tinge, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and fingertips are pink or black or pink stained and black.
The eyes are copper.

Shaded Tortie

Base of the hair white on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides, the tip of the hair is decidedly colored red and black, as the tips of the hairs on the tail and the short hairs on the legs are much more colored, the back part of the legs hindquarters are tinged with red or black or with red and black spots.
The chin, the inner tufts of the ears and the stomach are white and the general impression is a white cat with strong shades of red and black, but darker than the chinchilla tortie, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and fingertips are pink or black or stained pink and black.
The eyes are copper.

Cream Blue Chinchilla

Base of the hair white on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides the tip of the hair is slightly colored blue and cream, while the tip of the tail is slightly blurred as well as the short hairs on the legs of blue and cream.
The chin, the inner tufts of the ears and the stomach are white and the general impression of the cat is white with a hinted blue and cream tinge, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and fingertips are pink or blue or pink stained it's blue.
The eyes are copper.

Shaded cream blue

Base of the hair white on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides, the tip of the hair is decidedly colored of cream and blue, as the tips of the hairs on the tail and the short hairs on the legs are much more colored, the back part of the legs hindquarters are shaded with cream or blue or with cream and blue spots.
The chin, the inner tufts of the ears and the stomach are white and the general impression is a white cat with strong shades of cream and blue, but darker than the cream blue chinchilla, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and fingertips they are pink or blue or pink and blue stained.
The eyes are copper.

Black chinchilla

Base of the hair white on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides the tip of the hair is slightly colored black, while the tip of the tail is slightly blurred as well as the short hairs on the legs of black.
The chin, the internal tufts of the ears and the stomach are white and the general impression of the cat is white with a hinted black tinge, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and fingertips are black.
The eyes are copper.

Shaded black

Base of the hair white on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides, the tip of the hair is decidedly colored black, as the tips of the hairs on the tail and the short hairs on the legs are much more colored, the back part of the rear legs are gradient black.
The chin, the inner tufts of the ears and the stomach are white and the general impression is a white cat with strong shades of black, but darker than the black chinchilla, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and fingertips are colored black.
The eyes are copper.

blue chinchilla

Base of the hair white on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides the tip of the hair is slightly colored blue, while the tip of the tail is slightly blurred as well as the short hairs on the legs of blue.
The chin, the internal tufts of the ears and the stomach are white and the general impression of the cat is white with a hinted blue tinge, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and fingertips are blue.
The eyes are copper.

Shaded blue

Base of the hair white on the whole body, on the shoulders on the back and sides, the tip of the hair is decidedly colored blue, as the tips of the hairs on the tail and the short hairs on the legs are much more colorful, the back part of the rear legs are gradient blue.
The chin, the internal tufts of the ears and the stomach are white and the general impression is a white cat with decided shades of blue, but darker than the blue chinchilla, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and fingertips are colored blue.
The eyes are copper.

Smoke Cat

These are non-Aguti cats (a) which in the genotype determine the coloration of the solid-colored hair.
In addition to the gene a in these cats there is a gene called (I) inhibitor that prevents the development of the pigment of the hair giving it the pure white coloring.
The base of the color of the hair can vary from half to 2/3 of the hair and the impression of the cat will appear Black / Red / Tortie and all their dilutions

Black smoke

Base of the hair white on the whole body, more evident on the shoulders on the back on the sides and on the tail the rest of the hair is decidedly colored black, as are the short hairs on the legs and of the head which must have a white band at the basis.
The inner tufts of the ears are white as the back of the tail can be lighter, the general impression is a black cat, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and the fingertips are black.
The eyes are copper.

Blue smoke

Base of the white hair on the whole body, more evident on the shoulders on the back on the sides and on the tail the rest of the hair is decidedly blue colored, as are the short hairs on the legs and of the head which must have a white band at the basis.
The inner tufts of the ears are white as the back of the tail can be lighter, the general impression is a blue cat the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and the fingertips are blue.
The eyes are copper.

Smoke cream

Base of the white hair on the whole body, more evident on the shoulders on the back on the sides and on the tail the rest of the hair is decidedly cream colored, as are the short hairs on the legs and head which must have a white band at the basis.
The inner tufts of the ears are white as the back of the tail can be lighter, the general impression is a cream cat the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and the fingertips are pink.
The eyes are copper.

Red smoke

Base of the white hair on the whole body, more evident on the shoulders on the back on the sides and on the tail the rest of the hair is decidedly colored red, as are the short hairs on the legs and head which must have a white band at the basis.
The inner tufts of the ears are white as the back of the tail can be lighter, the general impression is a red cat the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and the fingertips are pink.
The eyes are copper.

Tortie Smoke

Base of the white hair on the whole body, more evident on the shoulders on the back on the sides and on the tail the rest of the hair is decidedly colored black and red, as are the short and black hairs on the legs and head that must have a band white in color at the base.
The inner tufts of the ears are white as the back of the tail may be lighter, the general impression is a cat twisted the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and the fingertips are pink or black, or stained with pink and black.
The eyes are copper.

Blu cream smoke

Base of the white hair on the whole body, more evident on the shoulders on the back on the sides and on the tail the rest of the hair is decidedly blue and cream colored, as are short and blue hairs on the legs and head that must have a band white in color at the base.
The inner tufts of the ears are white as the back of the tail can be lighter, the general impression is a cream blue cat the skin of the eyes, lips, nose and the fingertips are pink or blue, or stained with pink it's blue.
The eyes are copper.

Smoke chocolate

Base of the hair white on the whole body, more evident on the shoulders on the back on the sides and on the tail the rest of the hair is decidedly colored of brown, as are the short hairs on the legs and of the head which must have a white band at the basis.
The inner tufts of the ears are white as the back of the tail can be lighter, the general impression is a brown cat, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose are brown and the fingertips are brown or cinnamon colored.
The eyes are copper.

Lilac Smoke

Base of the white fur on the whole body, more evident on the shoulders on the back on the sides and on the tail the rest of the hair is decidedly colored in warm light gray with pink reflections, as are short warm hair with pink reflections the short hairs on the legs and of the head that must have a white band at the base.
The inner tufts of the ears are white as the back of the tail can be lighter, the general impression is a lilac cat, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose are lilac and the fingertips are pink.
The eyes are copper.

Smoke Tortie chocolate

Base of the hair white on the whole body, more evident on the shoulders on the back on the sides and on the tail the rest of the hair is decidedly colored in brown and red, as are brown and red the short hairs on the legs and head that must have a band white in color at the base.
The inner tufts of the ears are white as the back of the tail can be lighter, the general impression is a chocolate twisted cat, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose can be brown, brick red, pink and the fingertips are of brick red or brown, or pink and brown stained.
The eyes are copper.

Lilac cream smoke

Base of the white hair on the whole body, more evident on the shoulders on the back on the sides and on the tail the rest of the hair is decidedly colored of warm light gray with pink and cream reflections, as are short warm hair with pink and cream reflections. on the legs and head which must have a white band at the base.
The inner tufts of the ears are white as the back of the tail can be lighter, the general impression is a lilac and cream cat, the skin of the eyes, lips, nose are lilac and the fingertips are lilac, pink or lilac and pink.
The eyes are copper.

Tabby cats

These are Agouti cats (A) which in the genotype determines the coloring of the hair by bands through a pigment synthesis system called (on-off) therefore dark colored bands during the phase (on) alternating with light bands during the phase (off )


base of the fur lighter than the design that looks like a butterfly whose upper and lower wings are clearly drawn on the sides and shoulders.
On the back, from the nape to the base of the tail, there are three large lines: one central and the other two, well evident and separate, parallel to the first.
On the forehead there is an M and two or three lines follow the outline of the cheeks.
On the neck there are two unbroken lines while the legs and tail rings separated from each other.
On the abdomen (from the neck to the belly) there are many small points.


base of the fur lighter than the design that looks like Tiger, with unbroken vertical lines on the sides and shoulders.
On the back, from the nape to the base of the tail there is a straight and continuous line.
On the forehead there is an M and two or three lines follow the outline of the cheeks.
On the neck there are two lines while on the legs and on the tail separate rings between them.
On the abdomen (from the neck to the belly) there are many small points.


the base of the hair is lighter than the design and presents itself at well separated round or oval points and regularly distributed throughout the body.
On the back there may be a continuous thin line and not interrupted from the nape to the base of the tail, this line can appear as a row of points aligned with each other along the entire length of the back.
On the forehead there is an M and two or three lines follow the outline of the cheeks.
On the neck there are two lines while on the legs and on the tail separate rings between them.
On the abdomen there are many small points.
The definition of the coat description is common for all three designs.

Silver Tabby

Base of the white fur with very evident black design, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color brick red with black outline and the color of the fingertips black.
Green, hazelnut, bright copper eye color with black eyeliner

Silver tortie tabby

Base of the white fur with a very evident black design with red spots, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color brick red with black outline and the color of the fingertips black, brick red or black and red.
Green, hazelnut, bright copper eye color with black eyeliner.

Blue silver tabby

Base of the white fur with very evident blue design, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color brick red with blue outline and the color of the fingertips blue or old pink.
Green, hazelnut, bright copper eye color with blue eyeliner

Cream blue silver tabby

Base of the white fur with a very evident blue design with cream spots, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color blue, old pink or blue and old pink with blue outline and the color of the fingertips blue, old pink or blue and old pink.
Green, hazelnut, bright copper eye color with blue eyeliner.

Red silver tabby

Base of the white fur with very evident red design, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color pink with a brick red contour line and the color of the fingertips pink.
Bright copper eye color with brick red eyeliner.

Silver tabby cream

Base of the white fur with very evident cream design, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color pink with a darker pink contour line and the color of the fingertips pink.
Bright copper eye color with darker pink eyeliner.

Silver tabby chocolate

Base of white fur with very evident chocolate design, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color brick red with chocolate outline and the color of the fingertips brick red or cinnamon.
Green, hazelnut, bright copper eye color with chocolate eyeliner.

Chocolate tortie silver tabby

Base of the white fur with very evident chocolate design with cream spots, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color brick red, cinnamon or brick red and cinnamon pink with chocolate outline and the color of the fingertips brick red, cinnamon or brick red and cinnamon pink.
Green, hazelnut, bright copper eye color with chocolate eyeliner.

lilac silver tabby

Base of the white fur with a very evident lilac pattern, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color pink with a lilac contour line and the color of the fingertips pink.
Bright copper eye color with lilac eyeliner.

Lilac cream silver tabby

Base of the white fur with a very evident lilac design with cream spots, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color lilac, pink or lilac and pink with lilac outline and the color of the fingertips lilac, pink or lilac and pink.
Green, hazelnut, bright copper eye color with lilac eyeliner.

Brown Tabby

Base of the copper or apricot hair with a very evident black design, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
The back of the legs shaded in black.
Nose color brick red with black outline and the color of the fingertips black.
Bright copper eye color with black eyeliner

Brown tabby tortie

Base of the copper or apricot hair with a very evident black design with red spots, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
the back of the legs tinged with black with possible red spots.
Nose color brick red with black outline and the color of the fingertips black, brick red or black and red.
Bright copper eye color with black eyeliner.

Tabby blue

Very light ivory or apricot hair base with very evident blue design, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Old pink nose color with blue outline and old pink fingertip color.
Bright copper eye color with blue eyeliner.

Cream blue tabby

Very light ivory or apricot hair base with very evident blue design with cream spots, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color old pink, pink or old pink and pink with blue outline and the color of the fingertips old pink, pink or pink and old pink.
Bright copper eye color with blue eyeliner.

Red tabby

Base of the red fur with very evident dark red design, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Brick red nose color with dark brick red outline and brick red fingertip color.
Bright copper eye color with dark brick red eyeliner.

Tabby cream

Pale cream fur base with very evident biscuit cream design, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color pink with dark biscuit cream outline and the color of the fingertips pink.
Bright copper eye color with dark biscuit cream eyeliner.

Chocolate tabby

Base of the milk chocolate fur with a very evident dark chocolate design, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color brown, brick red with dark brown outline and the color of the fingertips cinnamon or brick red.
Bright copper eye color with dark brown eyeliner.

Chocolate tabby tortie

Base of the milk chocolate fur with a very evident dark chocolate design with red spots, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color brick red, brown or brick red and brown with dark brown outline and the color of the fingertips brown, brick red, cinnamon or brown / cinnamon and brick red.
Bright copper eye color with dark brown eyeliner.

Lilac tabby

Light lilac fur base with very evident dark lilac design, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Lilac nose color with a dark lilac contour line and the color of the fingertips pink.
Bright copper eye color with dark lilac eyeliner.

Lilac cream tabby

Light lilac fur base with very evident dark lilac design with cream spots, the part around the eyes and on the chin the color is much lighter.
Nose color lilac, pink or lilac and pink with dark lilac outline and the color of the fingertips lilac, pink or lilac and pink.
Bright copper eye color with dark lilac eyeliner.

Bicolor - Harlequin - Van and Smoke in all 3 category

These cats are not Agouti (a) the general impression is of a completely uniform cat in color, the amount of white present in the coat determines the three varieties.

Bicolor: the amount of white is less than 50% and it would be preferable to have the white mask on the face, legs and belly completely white.
They are: black and white, blue to white, red and white, cream and white, chocolate and white, lilac and white.
Tortie and white, blu cream and white, chocolate tortie and white, lilac cream and white
The color of the eyes can be bright copper or odd eyes

Harlequin: the amount of white is greater than 50
They are: black and white, blue to white, red and white, cream and white, chocolate and white, lilac and white.
Tortie and white, blu cream and white, chocolate tortie and white, lilac cream and white.
The color of the eyes can be bright copper or odd eyes

Van: the amount of white is greater than 80% only with the ears the tail in color, only one small spot on the body is allowed.
They are: black and white, blue to white, red and white, cream and white, chocolate and white, lilac and white.
Tortie and white, blu cream and white, chocolate tortie and white, lilac cream and white
The color of the eyes can be bright copper or odd eyes

Bicolor - harlequin - van Tabby

Bicolor Tabby

Same standard as brown tabby, Black, blue, tortie, cream blue, chocolate, chocolate tortie, lilac, cream lilac, red, cream (Classic - Mackerel - Spotted) with a quantity of white less than 50%.

Harlequin Brown tabby

Same standard as brown tabby, Black, blue, tortie, cream blue, chocolate, chocolate tortie, lilac, cream lilac, red, cream (Classic - Mackerel - Spotted) with a quantity of white higher than 50%.


Same standard as brown tabby, Black, blue, tortie, cream blue, chocolate, chocolate tortie, lilac, cream lilac, red, cream (Classic - Mackerel - Spotted) with a quantity of white higher than 80%.

Point or Himalayan

The cs gene is the one that gives this coat a particular coloring, the hair is pigmented in the points where the blood circulation is colder, therefore on the face, ears, legs and tail.
The cat with this gene is with a light body color that varies from ivory to magnolia color while the tips are colored:
Seal, chocolate, blue, lilac, red, cream, tortie, chocolate tortie, cream blue, cream lilac.
The eyes must be deep blue and other eye colors are disqualified the fingertips follow the standard of solid colors.
During growth it is possible to find a point cat with a darker body color and not completely ivory or magnolia.

Point or Himalayan tabby

These cats in addition to having the cs gene are also Agouti cats (A) therefore in all the colors defined above, on the colored tips the tabby design (Classic - Mackerel - Spotted) will be visible sometimes the light part of the body is colored slightly and on the back and shoulders you can recognize a slight ghost design.
The eyes will only be deep blue to deep purple blue, while the skin of the nose and eyes will be edged as the standard of tabby cats.
Seal Linx, blue linx, red linx, cream link, tortie linx, cream blue linx, chocolate linx, lilac linx, chocolate tortie linx, lilac cream linx.